“Birther.” Synonym for Racist.

9 Aug

It was such a sad day when we allowed a person who clearly wasn’t qualified to run for the Presidency a couple of years ago. There is no way that this person should be able to run for President and hold the office, it clearly says that a person must be a natural born citizen of the United States and this man was not born in the country how did we miss this and allow him to run for the highest office in the Nation. I’m clearly talking about Senator John McCain, who was born in Panama on a military base. Now im not a crazy nut bag, I know that being born on a US military installation makes Senator McCain a natural born citizen and makes him qualified to be President. The point that I am trying to make is that there is more of a question about President Obama’s citizenship, than there is about Mr. McCain, one of whom was born in a State in the Union and the other (Senator McCain) in another country. If that wasnt enough The President has produced a copy of his birth certificate. I mean when have we ever heard of a public official making their birth certificate public. Well any way for all you skeptics out there here is the birth certificate which clearly shows the President was born in Hawaii and therefore a Natural born United States Citizen.

Even with this birth certificate posted, people still believe that the President is part of some secret plot to overthrow the country. What more do these people want from the man?

Can anyone out there please tell me when people have so aggresively vetted a President about his qualifications to hold office. What is so different about President Obama, what distinguishes him from the other 43 guy who held the same office. hmmmmmm

Well if you haven’t noticed it yet, Mr. Obama is the only person on that picture that is not of Caucasian descent. These fringe conspiracy nuts, are just thinly veiled racists who can’t conceive that a Black person is President, that’s the long and short of it. The problem with this movement, besides its racist undertones is that it is creeping into the mainstream. Its a sad day in the conservative movement when Bill O’ Reily and Ann Coulter are the voice of reason on an issue, but that is what’s happening with the whole “birther” movement. (Mr. Limbaugh was high on painkillers so he didnt get the memo.)

You don’t believe that this whole issue is based around the President’s race, just take a look at this town hall meeting by Republican Mike Castle in Delaware.

The scariest part of her message was the part of her polemic in which she screams “I want my country back.” Your country? Just like the people who feel some sense of entitlement, when it comes to affirmative action.

It seems the birthers believe this is “their country” and people of other races need not apply.

Do you need more proof that the “birther” movement is a racist movement. Let’s look at their defacto spokesperson Orly Taitz. Ms. Taitz is a lawyer who has brought multiple lawsuits against President Obama, alleging he is not a natural born citizen (which is ironic because Ms. Taitz was born in Moldova herself). Taitz alleged that she had the full support of the Republican Party, because leading members had added her as friends on facebook (that in itself is suspect, because the Republican leadership is too old and out of date to know what facebook is). That statement led me to look at Ms. Taitz facebook page.

Take a look over at her friends list you will notice a interesting person listed as her friend. No this person is not a leading Repbulican official, rather he is the former head of the Knights of The Ku Klux Clan and the National Association for the Advancement of White People, Mr. David Duke. So Ms. Taitz and the “birthers” count amongst their supporters a person “for [which] whom racism was not marginal feature of his persona; it was [rather] a central element of his appeal.”

In the deepest part of my heart, I do believe that most American’s operate politically without regard to race, this is evident in the country not only voting for a black president, but voting for him in an overwhelming majority. Instead I think it is as a very vocal, very racist minority that just can imagine a post-racial United States and it is people like Ms. Taitz and the many other “birthers” who hinder any kind of progress and reconciliation amongst the races.

2 Responses to ““Birther.” Synonym for Racist.”

  1. Jieuryli August 25, 2009 at 11:26 AM #

    Well said. I've never seen so many people rallying about "wanting my country back" before. Other than the black President thing, I believe part of this is xenophobia – especially with regard to our neighbors south of us. Be prepared for this to get worse when Census 2010 figures come out.

  2. Clyde 2X August 27, 2009 at 4:15 PM #

    Thank you for your comment, It's going to be interesting to see how things play out after the 2010 Census.

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